Tuesday, October 9, 2007

iTalkbb & FAX

iTalkBB: How to use Fax?

For calls within the US & Canada: Dial 1 + Area Code + Phone Number (i.e. 1-202-888-8888) For international calls: Dial 011 + Country Code + Phone Number (i.e. 011-86-10-8888-8888)
For fax to US and Canada: Press"#"+1+fax number. For example: #+1+888-888-8888
Please check http://www.galaxy3.com for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.

iTalkBB 常见问题

iTalkBB 常见问题


如果您没有宽带接入,您可以使用我们的iTalkFreedom服务。通过此项服务,您可以方便快捷地用您的手机或坐机拨打国际长途,或接收您的家人和朋友从中国的来电。申请开通iTalkFreedom服务,请致电:1-877-iTalkBB (1-877-482-5522)。如果您希望加入我们的家庭电话计划,您必须申请Cable或DSL宽带网路服务。

您可以一直不受影响地使用iTalkBB电话。您原先的电话服务在转号过程中也不会受影响, 只有在最后转过来的前几天有可能会中断。

4. iTalkBB是用邮寄帐单形式付费吗?

5. iTalkBB有服务合同限制吗?
在30天试用期内您对我们的服务有任何不满意,都可以打电话到1-877-482-5522取消iTalkBB服务,我们会退回您的月费、开户费和运费。在取消服务后的7天之内,您必需把iTalkBB电话配接器及附件寄回,否则您需支付设备费用$59.99。30天试用期后您也可随时取消服务。如果在您加入一年内取消服务,除年计划用户之外的其它计划用户,都需要支付$69.99 手续费;一年之后取消服务,我们不收任何手续费。无论任何时候取消服务,您都需要在取消服务后的7天之内把iTalkBB电话配接器及附件寄回,否则您需支付设备费用 $59.99。

6. 我有了iTalkBB服务后,是否可以随时取消我原来的电话服务?
如果您是Cable Modem用户, 您可以立刻取消原来的电话服务。如果您是DSL的用户,您需要致电您的DSL服务供应商查询。有些DSL服务供应商要求客户同时保留DSL服务和电话服务。即使您不可以取消原来的电话服务,我们公司仍有适合您的计划, 请致电免费电话谘询:1-877-482-5522。

7. 如果需要的话,我如何重启我的电话配接器?
将所有连接的设备:Cable/DSL Modem, Router, 和电话配接器全部断电。然后先将Modem通电,过半分钟至一分钟后,再将ROUTER通电,等半分钟至一分钟后再将电话配接器通电。注:等半分钟至一分钟的用途是将此设备启动至正常状态,以防止设备之间不能很好地连接。

8. 在哪里我可以查到我的电话号码?

9. 如果我需要激活我的电话配接器,我应该怎么做?
您的电话配接器会在注册完成7天或您第一次打电话时自动激活。如果您还需要其它帮助,可以致电客户服务中心:(1-877-iTalkBB or 1-877-482-5522)。

10. 如何使用传真功能?
美国和加拿大 #+1+当地号码 (For example: # + 1+ 202 888 8888)

11. 我如何设置呼叫转接?

听到拨号音后,按*72+完整的电话号码(需在区号前加1),按 *73 取消转接。

听到拨号音后,按*90+完整的电话号码(需在区号前加1),按*91 取消转接。

听到拨号音后,按*92+完整的电话号码(需在区号前加1),按*93 取消转接。

iTalkBB http://www.galaxy3.com/for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.

iTalkBB: features included in the service for free

iTalkBB : features included in the service for free. 详细请看http://www.galaxy3.com/
中国通用号码 (China Phone Number)
iTalkBB 电话卡 (iTalk Dial Direct)
来电显示 (Caller ID)
来电等候功能(Call Waiting)
Voice Mail
三方通话 (Three-Way Calling)
来电自动转移 (Call Forwarding Always)
来电转接占线 (Call Forwarding Busy)
来电转接无人接 (Call Forwarding No Answer)
来电暂等候 (Call Hold )
网内通话 (In-Network Calls )
iTalkBB电话随身带 (Travel-with- iTalkBB)
区号任选 (Area Code Selection)
iTalkBB News 详细请看http://www.galaxy3.com/for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.

iTalkBB features supported in the near future.

iTalkBB features supported in the near future.

匿名电话拒接 Anonymous Call Rejection
打电话时,如何让对方看不到自己的电话号码?Caller ID Blocking
电话铃声选择 Distinctive Ring
来电自动送语音信箱 Do Not Disturb
最后一个电话回拨 Last Number Redial
快速拨号 Speed Dial 8 & Speed Dial 100
来电通知 Call Notify
来电回拨 Call Return
来电转移接分机 (Call Transfer)
Call Return
Voice Mail Distribution Lists
iTalkBB http://www.galaxy3.com/for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.

Friday, September 14, 2007

iTalkBB Call Back New Method

iTalkBB Review: iTalkBB CALL BACK 的另外方法.

假如"4007128899(等待语音提示) + 899XXXXXXX + #"的方法在某些城市无法使用. 我们提供了另一种call back 的方法。以下即为call back 的几种使用方式:
1. 方法一:客户拨打北京的四个接入号码(13439377355,13439377356,13439377357,13439377358), 但不会接通,会被挂断.几秒钟内系统会回拨给客户,语音提示请拨您要拨打的号码,输入"899*******", 以# 号结束。就会拨通客户的BOX 。
*注: 若使用非北京地区的固定电话拔打四个接入号码时,须在接入号码前加拨0 ,使用手机可直接拨打。
2. 方法二:短信回拨方式:发字母 HH 到我们的接入号:13439377355 、13439377356 、13439377357 、 13439377358  ,发完短信几秒后,系统会回拨给您。语音提示请拨您要拨打的号码,输入" 899*******", 以# 号结束。就会拨通客户的BOX.
iTalkBB Review - iTalkBB Call Back Please check http://www.galaxy3.com/ for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.

iTalkBB Review: Dialing instruction of China Phone Number

iTalkBB Review: The dialing instruction of China Phone Number
众所周知,iTalkBB 向所有用户提供的免费中国通用号码可让在大陆的亲朋好友及商业伙伴无须支付任何国内、国际长途费用即可致电北美!这一独具特色的功能给iTalkBB 用户带来了许多便利。最近,iTalkBB 将再次对中国通用号码服务进行系统升级,升级后的通用号码服务将覆盖中国大陆的200 多个城市,语音质量也将得到显著的改善。
从2007 年9 月15 日开始,中国通用号码会启用新的拨号方式:
1. 在任何座机或手机上拨打:4007128899 。
2. 听到语音提示后,输入对方的10 位数BB 号码
3. 按"#" 号键结束。
例如 : 4007128899(等待语音提示) + 8991011234 + # 。
iTalkBB Review the dialing instruction of China Phone Number. Please check http://www.galaxy3.com/ for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

iTalkBB Review: iTalkBB Voicemail 已经开通!

iTalkBB Voicemail功能已经开通!iTalkBB 公司现已隆重推出语音信箱功能,赶快行动,抢先尝试吧!请按照以下步骤进行操作:

1 登陆iTalkBB账户:使用你的BB号/PASSWORD 登陆自己的用户帐户。
2 激活全新功能:进入iTalkBB 账户区点击" 语音信箱设置" ,在Voicemail 栏目下勾选" 请为我开通 Voicemail 功能(Forward to Voice Mail, Then Email )"即可。激活成功2小时之后您就能使用Voicemail 了。
3 、基本设置:如果想用电话或Email 查看,在"语音信箱基本设置" 里,设置进入语音信箱的查询密码(4 位以上的阿拉伯数字)和接收语音邮件的 E-mail 地址。
iTalkBB Review - Voicemail Please check http://www.galaxy3.com for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

iTalkBB Review: SunRocket User 保留号码

iTalkBB Review: SunRocket User Keeping his number.

1)SunRocket user can keep his original phone number.

2) To sign up iTalkBB , SunRocket user may negotiate more discounts by telling iTalkBB the promotion code 678710, or signning up via links inside http://www.galaxy3.com/.

iTalkBB review.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

iTalkBB Review 呼叫转接

iTalkBB Feature Review (1)

Forward all iTalkBB calls: after hearing dial tone, press * 72+ 1+ the number you wish to forward to,press * 73 to cancel. 无条件转接:听到拨号音后,按*72+完整的电话号码(需在区号前加1).

Forward iTalkBB calls when busy: after hearing dial tone, press * 90+1+ the number you wish to, forward to press * 91 to cancel.听到拨号音后,按*90+完整的电话号码(需在区号前加1),按*91 取消转接。

More iTalkBB feature Please check http://www.galaxy3.com for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.

iTalkBB Tips - Call Forwarding

iTalkBB Call Forwarding:

1)Forward all iTalkBB calls: after hearing dial tone, press * 72+ 1+ the number you wish to forward to, press * 73 to cancel

2)Forward iTalkBB calls when busy: after hearing dial tone, press * 90+1+ the number you wish to forward to, press * 91 to cancel

iTalkBB http://www.galaxy3.com for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.

Monday, July 2, 2007

iTalkBB Review - VideoPark

iTalkBB Review: VideoPark

Good news!iTalkBB and VideoPark to provide New Users Free Online Movie Wtching.

VideoPark can provide the latest and most classic movie and TV programs and acquaint Chinese in foreign countries with latest news about China. In order to help dealers better carry out their business, iTalkBB and VideoPark will, at their own expense, offer all dealers and new customers of these dealers free online movie watching. At present, this preference is just accessible to iTalkBB dealers and new customers of these dealers and intended to help dealers better expand their business. New users registered by dealers after December 22, 2006 are all qualified for this preference.

好消息!iTalkBB.com 携手VideoPark公司,向新用户提供免费在线观看电影的超值服务!

iTalkBB Review Please check http://www.galaxy3.com for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

iTalkBB review 中国回拨号码

iTalkBB Review

iTalk Broadband Corporation (iTalkBB) is finding success in their initial marketing of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services to the Chinese population in the United States.

iTalkBB gives you a free China telephone number when you establish your account. You give this number to your friends, family, and business associates in China. This allows the caller, in all major cities in China, to simply dial your local China number to reach you. You receive the call, in the United States, and the caller in China has not incurred any domestic or international long distance rates." The 'iTalkBB China Phone Number' is similar to owning a toll free number in the United States. Calls are billed at a low rate of only two cents per minute.

iTalkBB http://www.galaxy3.com for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.

iTalkBB Review 开户优惠$20

Welcome to my iTalkBB Review. Here you will learn about iTalkBB, how iTalkBB Promotion Code 678710 can save you $20 when you sign up with this 独家优惠促销 and how iTalkBB review may answer your most frequently asked questions about iTalkBB.

Promotion Code 678710 Saves You More!
Please check http://www.galaxy3.com for most recent $20 italkbb promotion.